Suite 78, 135 Cardigan St, Carlton VIC 3053

Preventative Measures to Adversity (PMA Framework)

What is the Preventative Measures to Adversity (PMA) Framework?

Adversity in schools and workplaces is an unavoidable reality, but how schools prepare for, respond to, and reflect on these challenges can determine their overall success. In the face of rising complexities and evolving demands, education professionals and leaders require a structured approach to respond to behaviours of concern, foster engagement and build supportive environments.

The framework is designed to help education professionals move beyond surface-level interventions, responding to the root causes of challenges by incorporating principles from brain science.

The design and logic of the PMA framework is grounded in a structured cycle of action that prioritises preventative measures, informed responses and reflection. This cycle ensures a comprehensive approach to responding to adversity in the school and the workplace, while continuously improving practice and outcomes.

The majority of the framework’s focus is dedicated to proactive planning and implementation of preventative measures. This phase emphasises creating systems, policies and practices that reduce the likelihood of adversity and behavioural incidents as well as their impact on staff and students. By investing energy and resources in prevention, the framework aims to minimise the need for reactive responses, creating the conditions for a positive supportive and consistent environment.

When adversity or behavioural incidents occur, the framework emphasises informed, real-time responses. These responses are guided by evidence-based theories and practical strategies designed to be fit-for-purpose. The goal is to respond to situations effectively and with minimal impact to the health and wellbeing of all involved, ensuring alignment with the ‘preventative measures to adversity’ framework.

The follow-up phase focuses on debriefing and dialogue, which are critical for strengthening the preventative measures phase. This stage involves reflective practices to identify lessons learned, improve systems, and refine strategies, ensuring a continuous feedback loop that reinforces preventative planning and practice.

What is the Theory of Action?

A clear and actionable theory of change serves as the foundation for transforming school cultures and responding to challenges with purpose and precision.

If preventative measures are embedded in daily practices, and staff are equipped to respond effectively in the moment and engage in post-action reflection, then schools will experience:

  • fewer incidents relating to behaviours of concern
  • increased confidence in responding to workplace adversity
  • increased staff and student attendance and engagement
  • a proactive, supportive culture that empowers both students and staff
  • improved learning environments conducive to long-term success.
Interested in learning more about our PMA Framework?

Contact us now and make an enquiry.

All fees and pricing can be discussed by making an enquiry. We look forward to hearing from you.